Biometric Authentication: Finding a Balance Between UX and IT Security

When it comes to authentication, most security professionals see it as a necessary evil. It provides security at the expense of the end user’s desire for a frictionless experience. That way of thinking, however, was challenged at the Opus Research Intelligent Authentication 2016 conference. The two-day event made a point to highlight authentication not only […]

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The Rise of the Selfie Authentication as a New Security Factor

Many online vendors are moving toward more innovative and secure methods of confirming a user’s identity, including selfie authentication.

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The Great EMV Fake-Out: No Chip For You!

Many banks are now issuing customers more secure chip-based credit cards, and most retailers now have card terminals in their checkout lanes that can handle the “dip” of chip-card transactions (as opposed to the usual swipe of the card’s magnetic stripe). But comparatively few retailers actually allow chip transactions: Most are still asking customers to swipe the stripe instead of dip the chip. This post will examine what’s going on here, why so many merchants are holding out on the dip, and where this all leaves consumers. Continue reading The Great EMV Fake-Out: No Chip For You!