MAN modular hybrid drive offers flexibility for greener boats

MAN Engines is working toward a greener future for water travel with its new Smart Hybrid Experience. The scalable marine drive ecosystem allows customers to flexibly combine traditional engines and battery-powered electric motors to create customized … Continue reading MAN modular hybrid drive offers flexibility for greener boats

“Fool’s gold” fossils reveal trilobites breathed through their legs

Trilobites are one of the most common creatures found in the fossil record, but now some particularly well-preserved specimens have revealed some intriguing new details. It turns out that trilobites breathed oxygen – through their legs.Continue Reading… Continue reading “Fool’s gold” fossils reveal trilobites breathed through their legs

Britain’s Dreadnought-class missile submarines will use fly-by-wire

When the first of the Royal Navy’s Dreadnought-class nuclear missile submarines takes to the sea late in this decade, it will be steered by the same fly-by-wire technology used in aircraft. Called the Active Vehicle Control Management (AVCM) system, it… Continue reading Britain’s Dreadnought-class missile submarines will use fly-by-wire

Whale sharks observed regrowing damaged dorsal fins for the first time

Some animals sustain grave injuries and may struggle to return to full health, while others, such as newts and salamanders, possess a remarkable ability to regenerate damaged tissues. Whale sharks may have more in common with this latter group than pre… Continue reading Whale sharks observed regrowing damaged dorsal fins for the first time

Multi-Channel Battery Monitor Aces First Sea Trial

A little over a a year ago, we covered an impressive battery monitor that [Timo Birnschein] was designing for his boat. With dedicated batteries for starting the engines, cranking over the generator, and providing power to lights and other amenities, …read more

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Williams and Oxis take lithium-sulfur battery tech to the high seas

Two heavyweights in the world of high-performance battery technology are teaming up to create the world’s first lithium-sulfur battery-powered luxury boat. Motorsport supplier Williams Advanced Engineering and lithium-sulfur specialist Oxis Energy will… Continue reading Williams and Oxis take lithium-sulfur battery tech to the high seas

Ambitious reef and underwater park to feature staircase for snorkelers

Miami underwater diving enthusiasts – not to mention the local marine life – will soon have an unusual new attraction to explore, courtesy of OMA. Named ReefLine, it’s conceived as an artificial reef and snorkeling destination with a range of artworks,… Continue reading Ambitious reef and underwater park to feature staircase for snorkelers

First map of marine structures shows how much we’ve modified the oceans

With our long history of altering the environment through manmade structures, we humans sure have made our mark on the Earth in our relatively short time here. Scientists in Australia have turned their attention to what this perpetual development means… Continue reading First map of marine structures shows how much we’ve modified the oceans