Self-decapitating sea slugs drop their heads and regrow whole bodies

To the envy of us humans, limb regeneration is common to certain groups of animals. But while it’s normally a leg here or a tail there, scientists have now discovered one of the most extreme examples ever found – sea slugs that voluntarily detach their… Continue reading Self-decapitating sea slugs drop their heads and regrow whole bodies

Warming oceans are trapping shellfish in hotspots they can’t escape

Many species are expected to be displaced as the world continues to warm and natural habitats are transformed, and this is true both on land and at sea. Scientists studying more than half a century of data on bottom-dwelling shellfish have uncovered ev… Continue reading Warming oceans are trapping shellfish in hotspots they can’t escape

Study finds microplastics can impair hermit crabs’ shell selection

The mountain of plastic waste making its way into the ocean each year is undoubtedly impacting marine life, and bit by bit scientists are starting to understand the extent of these potentially disastrous effects. A new study out of the UK has revealed … Continue reading Study finds microplastics can impair hermit crabs’ shell selection

“Olfactory trap” lures sea turtles into eating plastic waste

One of the real and dangerous consequences of plastic waste making its way into ocean is the increasing threat it poses to marine life. Sea turtles are one example of a creature that regularly consume these pieces of trash for dinner, and a new study o… Continue reading “Olfactory trap” lures sea turtles into eating plastic waste

Blinding solar storms could be the cause of whale strandings

Grey whales may be “blinded” by solar storms, according to a new study published in the journal Current Biology. The solar activity interferes with the whales’ internal magnetic navigation system, causing them to become stranded on the shore, often res… Continue reading Blinding solar storms could be the cause of whale strandings

Antarctic survey shows increased blue whale numbers

A new survey led by the British Antarctic Survey (BAS) indicates that blue whales and other large whale species are making a welcome comeback in Antarctic waters. The three-year wild water whale project conducted off the island of South Georgia in the … Continue reading Antarctic survey shows increased blue whale numbers

Scientists identify more than 1,000 sharks and rays tangled in ocean waste

Scientists at the University of Exeter have turned to Twitter for a better picture of the effect ocean plastics are having on sharks and rays…
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Continue reading Scientists identify more than 1,000 sharks and rays tangled in ocean waste

We Now Know Why Great White Sharks Gather In a Mysterious Ocean Void

One of the ocean’s most tantalizing questions has been answered by an expedition to the ‘white shark cafe,’ a remote zone in the middle of the Pacific. Continue reading We Now Know Why Great White Sharks Gather In a Mysterious Ocean Void