Watch Out! First-Ever Word Macro Malware for Apple Mac OS Discovered in the Wild

After targeting Windows-based computers over the past few years, hackers are now shifting their interest to Macs as well.

The emergence of the first macro-based Word document attack against Apple’s macOS platform is the latest example to prove this.

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Apple Patches OS X Vulnerabilities After Cyberattack on Human Rights Dissident

Apple just issued a patch for yet another vulnerability discovered as part of the cyberattack on a UAE human rights dissident. Continue reading Apple Patches OS X Vulnerabilities After Cyberattack on Human Rights Dissident

Apple Delivers Beta 2 Versions of iOS 10, macOS 10.12 Sierra, watchOS 3, and tvOS 10

After a three week wait, Apple has finally updated its pre-release stable of upcoming OS versions, bringing iOS 10, macOS 10.12 Sierra, watchOS 3, and tvOS 10 to the Beta 2 milestone. These releases are still only available to Apple developers.
The pos… Continue reading Apple Delivers Beta 2 Versions of iOS 10, macOS 10.12 Sierra, watchOS 3, and tvOS 10

WWDC 2016: Apple Announces Updates for iOS, macOS, tvOS and watchOS

On Monday, Apple unveiled the next releases of each of its four major personal computing platforms—iOS, macOS, tvOS, and watchOS—and unveiled a free app called Swift Playgrounds for the iPad.
The post WWDC 2016: Apple Announces Updates for iOS, mac… Continue reading WWDC 2016: Apple Announces Updates for iOS, macOS, tvOS and watchOS