Apple Releases iOS 17.0.1 and macOS Ventura 13.6 to Fix Critical Vulnerabilities

Apple released yesterday iOS 17.0.1, iPadOS 17.0.1, and macOS Ventura 13.6 to fix critical vulnerabilities that are already being used by attackers.
The post Apple Releases iOS 17.0.1 and macOS Ventura 13.6 to Fix Critical Vulnerabilities appeared firs… Continue reading Apple Releases iOS 17.0.1 and macOS Ventura 13.6 to Fix Critical Vulnerabilities

Hardware + Services (Premium)

Microsoft once referred to its shift to the cloud as software + services, but Apple is undergoing a similar strategy shift today. Perhaps we might refer to it as hardware + services.
As I’m sure you know, Apple held its annual September event yesterday… Continue reading Hardware + Services (Premium)

Apple Releases iOS, macOS, and watchOS Updates to Fix Critical Security Vulnerabilities

Apple released yesterday macOS Ventura 13.5.2, iOS 16.6.1 and iPadOS 16.6.1, and watchOS 9.6.2 to fix critical vulnerabilities on its software platforms.
The post Apple Releases iOS, macOS, and watchOS Updates to Fix Critical Security Vulnerabilities a… Continue reading Apple Releases iOS, macOS, and watchOS Updates to Fix Critical Security Vulnerabilities

The End of Windows? Hardly (Premium)

In my book Windows Everywhere, I chart the rise and fall of Windows as a platform. But whether it’s through inertia or the failings of its would-be competitors, most people who need desktop productivity functionality today still use Windows. And so the… Continue reading The End of Windows? Hardly (Premium)

Online Identities, Passwords, and Passkeys, Oh My (Premium)

I’ve been using a Google Workspace account——as my primary online identity since before we launched, and for the most part, I don’t have any major complaints. But there has long been one major downside to this account t… Continue reading Online Identities, Passwords, and Passkeys, Oh My (Premium)