Which one is safer for persistent online data? Gpg per file encryption vs gpg encrypted image vs LUKS2 image

3 people need to share some data through cloud. The total amount of data is small (<5gb in total). The update rate is very low, 1 per month. The cloud has very limited security measures so we consider all the files stored in it are publ… Continue reading Which one is safer for persistent online data? Gpg per file encryption vs gpg encrypted image vs LUKS2 image

Is it safe to store the header and password from LUKS in an encrypted GPG script (symmetrically)?

I want to mount a LUKS partition and decided to do it with a separate script which will contain the password to the LUKS partition, it will also decrypt the header file and mount the partition.
What vulnerabilities does this approach add c… Continue reading Is it safe to store the header and password from LUKS in an encrypted GPG script (symmetrically)?

Is it unsecure to use only a passphrase in luks for whole system partition encryption?

When i use only a passphrase in luks for my whole system partition encryption,
so i need to insert a password to decrypt my system partition to boot up my os,
is this unsecure and can it be cracked with bruteforce if someone stole the lapt… Continue reading Is it unsecure to use only a passphrase in luks for whole system partition encryption?