Reverse Engineering the Apple Lightning Connector

A frequent contributor to the hacker community, [stacksmashing] has prepared an excellent instructional video on reverse engineering Apple’s Lighting connector proprietary protocol. The video begins by showing how to gain …read more Continue reading Reverse Engineering the Apple Lightning Connector

Exporting Data from Old Gear Through LCD Sniffing

Photo of the spectrophotometer in question, with a screenshot of the decoding software on the right

[Jure Spiler] was at a flea market and got himself a spectrophotometer — a device that measures absorbance and transmittance of light at different wavelengths. This particular model seems to …read more Continue reading Exporting Data from Old Gear Through LCD Sniffing

Logic Meter Makes Aims to Make Hobby Electronics Troubleshooting Easier

The basic test instrument suite — a bench power supply, a good multimeter and perhaps an oscilloscope — is extremely flexible, but not exactly “plug and play” when it comes to diagnosing problems with some common hardware setups. A problem …read more

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Teaching a Pocket Logic Analyzer (Many) New Tricks

A few years ago, low-cost pocket digital oscilloscopes aimed at the hacker and maker crowd started hitting the market and gained quite a following. While few would consider them to be a replacement for a proper bench scope, they’re cheap and convenient enough that it’s hard to complain. Manufacturers are …read more

Continue reading Teaching a Pocket Logic Analyzer (Many) New Tricks