a lot of audit logs with no message for the rules 981045, 912140 and 217140 [closed]

I have observed that in modsecurity version 3.0.8 ,when the rules 981045, 912140 and 217140 are fired, a large number of audit logs are recorded without messages. How can I resolve it?
an example of one of the audit logs is as follows:
{&q… Continue reading a lot of audit logs with no message for the rules 981045, 912140 and 217140 [closed]

How do I track all the different types of event logs exclusive to an antimalware software or pc recovery software? [migrated]

I recently found out that my pc has been infected by some serious spyware and while I did successfully remove them, I’m afraid that that malware affected the antimalware and management solutions I installed on my PC.
In order to find out w… Continue reading How do I track all the different types of event logs exclusive to an antimalware software or pc recovery software? [migrated]

How to efficiently analyse logs from elastic search to look for vulnerabilities? [closed]

I am a working student as an information security analyst .
my company provides a bunch of software in our daily work like for example gitlab and jira . Every interaction between the user and the software is logged inside elastic stack .
L… Continue reading How to efficiently analyse logs from elastic search to look for vulnerabilities? [closed]