RayBit SC1 runs a multi-camera TV studio through your smartphone

Live-streamed videos always look better when they include multiple camera angles, but most people don’t have the funds or expertise to set up a mini multi-camera TV studio in their house. The RayBit SC1 system is designed to change that.Continue Readin… Continue reading RayBit SC1 runs a multi-camera TV studio through your smartphone

Livestreaming Backpack Takes Streaming On-The-Go

Anyone who’s anyone on the internet these days occasionally streams content online. Whether that’s the occasional livestream on YouTube or an every day video game session on Twitch, it’s definitely …read more Continue reading Livestreaming Backpack Takes Streaming On-The-Go

Steinway’s grand pianos can now sync up and control each other live

Pianos. People love having them around. My dad’s a prime example; he doesn’t think a house is a home until it’s got a piano in it. Never mind the fact that he can barely play chopsticks – his own piano’s chief function is to send him into fits of rage … Continue reading Steinway’s grand pianos can now sync up and control each other live

You’re invited to the “Smashing Security” Christmas party!

Following the popularity of the YouTube livestream we did to celebrate 200 episodes of the “Smashing Security” podcast a couple of months ago, Carole Theriault and I have made the bold and some would say foolhardy decision to hold a live Christmas part… Continue reading You’re invited to the “Smashing Security” Christmas party!

Media Services Live Features Upgrades to Support Modern-Day Live-Streaming Needs

Media Services Live (MSL) is Akamai’s flagship solution for preparing live streams to provide broadcast-grade streaming quality for our live-streaming customers. MSL provides purpose-built key capabilities with liveOrigin, including ingest acceleration… Continue reading Media Services Live Features Upgrades to Support Modern-Day Live-Streaming Needs

Media Services Live Features Upgrades to Support Modern-Day Live-Streaming Needs

Media Services Live (MSL) is Akamai’s flagship solution for preparing live streams to provide broadcast-grade streaming quality for our live-streaming customers. MSL provides purpose-built key capabilities with liveOrigin, including ingest acceleration to map encoders to optimal entry points on the Akamai cloud, low latency support to reduce the delay between online and broadcast feeds, self-healing capabilities to eliminate single points of failure through redundancy mechanisms, end-to-end SSL support, and enhanced monitoring and alerting. You can find more details on the MSL product page. Continue reading Media Services Live Features Upgrades to Support Modern-Day Live-Streaming Needs

2019 Superconference is Streaming Live Right Now!

Perhaps Pasadena is a bit too far from home, or maybe you waited a few milliseconds longer than you should have and missed the tickets when they went on sale. Whatever the reason, the fact is that the vast majority of Hackaday readers won’t be able to join us at …read more

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Superconference Interview: Sam Zeloof

In less than four days, the fifth Hackaday Superconference kicks off in Pasadena, California, and it’s shaping up to be a hoot. With a cavalcade of exciting workshops and talks on offer, hackers and makers are pouring in from across the globe for this celebration of software, firmware, and hardware. …read more

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Superconference Interview: Ted Yapo

We’re just two weeks away from the fifth annual Hackaday Superconference, the single biggest gathering of hardware enthusiasts on at least one continent. It’s gearing up to be great, and we’re super excited for the opportunity to bring you such a diverse array of talks, workshops, and more.

What makes …read more

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