Is an antivirus needed for linux home usage when there is exchange of files with other OS e.g. Windows?

I was under the impression that an antivirus for Linux makes sense only for installing in business computers. Checking Norton/BitDefender/Karpesky I don’t see any Linux option for the first or any non business specific solution for the oth… Continue reading Is an antivirus needed for linux home usage when there is exchange of files with other OS e.g. Windows?

FritzFrog botnet exploits Log4Shell, PwnKit vulnerabilities

The FritzFrog cryptomining botnet has new potential for growth: a recently analyzed variant of the bot is exploiting the Log4Shell (CVE-2021-44228) and PwnKit (CVE-2021-4034) vulnerabilities for lateral movement and privilege escalation. The FritzFrog … Continue reading FritzFrog botnet exploits Log4Shell, PwnKit vulnerabilities

Urgent Investigation Needed: Potential Widespread Tampering Linux Distributions Across Diverse Variants [closed]

I am writing to express my deep concern about potential widespread vulnerabilities affecting multiple Linux distributions. While my findings are based on personal experiences and require further verification, I urge the security community … Continue reading Urgent Investigation Needed: Potential Widespread Tampering Linux Distributions Across Diverse Variants [closed]