Limelight Layer0 Security protects against malicious website attacks

Limelight released Layer0 Security Platform, significantly enhancing its capabilities in the $4.4B web CDN and security market it entered in November. A fully PCI-compliant solution, Layer0 Security protects customers against OWASP Top 10 security risk… Continue reading Limelight Layer0 Security protects against malicious website attacks

Limelight Networks expands management capabilities of its suite of services

Limelight Networks has expanded the management and configuration capabilities of its suite of services with new Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) and web portal offerings. With these new capabilities in addition to existing APIs and Software De… Continue reading Limelight Networks expands management capabilities of its suite of services

Leonard Rose, Principal Security Architect at Limelight Networks – Paul’s Security Weekly #558

Leonard Rose, Principal Security Architect at Limelight Networks, joins Paul and the crew this week for an interview! Full Show Notes Subscribe to YouTube Channel
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