Intel report describes Putin-directed smear campaign to elect Trump
Report asserts “high confidence” of Putin involvement, Russia support of Wikileaks Continue reading Intel report describes Putin-directed smear campaign to elect Trump
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Report asserts “high confidence” of Putin involvement, Russia support of Wikileaks Continue reading Intel report describes Putin-directed smear campaign to elect Trump
Poorly secured MongoDB installations deleted and held for ransom. Continue reading Online databases dropping like flies, with >10k falling to ransomware groups
US issued JAR billed itself as an indictment that would prove Russian involvement. Continue reading White House fails to make case that Russian hackers tampered with election
US issued JAR billed itself as an indictment that would prove Russian involvement. Continue reading White House fails to make case that Russian hackers tampered with election
Intelligence dump from DHS and FBI bolsters claims of Russian election interference. Continue reading Obama tosses 35 Russians out of US, sanctions others for election meddling
A “proportional response” won’t deter future meddling, says one security expert. Continue reading US reportedly plans retaliation against Russian election hacks soon [Update: sanctions announced]
This is the first FTC complaint involving lying bots—there will be more. Continue reading Op-ed: Five unexpected lessons from the Ashley Madison breach
Drowning in hot tub was followed by 140-gallon hose-down recorded by utility. Continue reading Police ask: “Alexa, did you witness a murder?”
DNSChanger causes network computers to visit fraudulent domains. Continue reading Home routers under attack in ongoing malvertisement blitz
Now, Yahoo user data could be behind scores of spear-phishes or other breaches. Continue reading What can you do with a billion Yahoo passwords? Lots of bad things