Kubermatic launches open source service hub to enable complex service management

As Kubernetes and cloud native technologies proliferate, developers and IT have found a growing set of technical challenges they need to address, and new concepts and projects have popped up to deal with them. For instance, operators provide a way to package, deploy and manage your cloud native application in an automated way. Kubermatic wants […] Continue reading Kubermatic launches open source service hub to enable complex service management

Loodse becomes Kubermatic and open sources Kubernetes automation platform

Loodse, a German Kubernetes automation platform, announced today that it was rebranding as Kubermatic. While it was at it, the company also announced that it was open sourcing its Kubermatic Kubernetes Platform as open source under the Apache 2.0 License. Co-founder Sebastian Scheele says that his company’s Kubernetes solution can provision clusters and applications on […] Continue reading Loodse becomes Kubermatic and open sources Kubernetes automation platform