Cat Compels Raspberry Pi Flight Tracker

[Simon Aubury] owns a cat. Or perhaps it is the other way around, we can never really tell. One morning around 6AM, the cat — we don’t know its name — heard a low-flying aircraft and to signal its displeasure at the event, decided to jump onto [Simon’s] face as he slept. Thanks to the well-known mind control abilities of cats, [Simon] decided he had to know what plane was causing this scenario to recur. So he did what any of us what do. He used a Raspberry Pi and a software defined radio dongle to decode the ADS-B signals …read more

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Toolsmith #126: Adversary hunting with SOF-ELK

As we celebrate Independence Day, I’m reminded that we honor what was, of course, an armed conflict. Today’s realities, when we think about conflict, are quite different that the days of lining troops up across the field from each other, loading musket… Continue reading Toolsmith #126: Adversary hunting with SOF-ELK

Toolsmith #126: Adversary hunting with SOF-ELK

As we celebrate Independence Day, I’m reminded that we honor what was, of course, an armed conflict. Today’s realities, when we think about conflict, are quite different than the days of lining troops up across the field from each other, loading musket… Continue reading Toolsmith #126: Adversary hunting with SOF-ELK