How do I verify a signature by using a OpenPGP public key without User ID (Redacted User IDs)?


Traditionally, in addition to cryptographic data, an OpenPGP public key contains User IDs and 3rd-party signatures for identification and Web-of-Trust verification, and it’s distributed by a network of keyservers…. Continue reading How do I verify a signature by using a OpenPGP public key without User ID (Redacted User IDs)?

How do I check if my key is updated in a keyserver after I resend it with new signatures?

I’m working in a task for class where I need to sign my public key with 3 signatures. After I got them, I need to send my key back to the keyserver with these 3 new signatures.
The thing is that when I search for my key, I ju… Continue reading How do I check if my key is updated in a keyserver after I resend it with new signatures?