Anomaly detection in certificate-based TGT requests

I identified several signs of attacks that use forged certificates inside the network and developed a Proof-of-Concept utility capable of finding artifacts in AD, as well as a number of detection logic rules that can be added to SIEM. Continue reading Anomaly detection in certificate-based TGT requests

How is a Windows Active Directory Machine Account Password stored in Windows/Samba Clients?

It’s said that a Windows Machine Account Password is usually composed of 120 characters in UTF-16-LE format. But when looking at the value stored in the Windows Registry under HKLM\SECURITY\Policy\Secrets\$MACHINE.ACC\CurrVal one finds a s… Continue reading How is a Windows Active Directory Machine Account Password stored in Windows/Samba Clients?

How can a client safely post/get a (symmetric) client key to/from a key distribution center?

If you look at the above Kerberos protocol’s diagram, you can find that the protocol works on the basis that the (symmetric) client key initially exists on both the client node and the key distribution center.
Then, the question is, how c… Continue reading How can a client safely post/get a (symmetric) client key to/from a key distribution center?