Threats to ICS and industrial enterprises in 2022

In recent years, we have observed various trends in the changing threat landscape for industrial enterprises. We can say with high confidence that many of these trends will not only continue, but gain new traction in the coming year. Continue reading Threats to ICS and industrial enterprises in 2022

Cyberthreats to financial organizations in 2022

We are going to analyze the forecasts we made at the end of 2020, go through the key events of 2021 relating to financial attacks and make some forecasts about them in 2022. Continue reading Cyberthreats to financial organizations in 2022

Advanced threat predictions for 2022

Over the past 12 months, the style and severity of APT threats has continued to evolve. Despite their constantly changing nature, there is a lot we can learn from recent APT trends to predict what might lie ahead in the coming year. Continue reading Advanced threat predictions for 2022

Kaspersky Security Bulletin 2020-2021. EU statistics

In the EU, 70% of user computers experienced at least one Malware-class attack, 115,452,157 web attacks and 86,584,675 phishing attempts were blocked. Continue reading Kaspersky Security Bulletin 2020-2021. EU statistics

Kaspersky Security Bulletin 2020. Statistics

Kaspersky solutions blocked 666,809,967 attacks launched from online resources in various countries across the world, 173,335,902 unique URLs were recognized as malicious by Web Anti-Virus. Continue reading Kaspersky Security Bulletin 2020. Statistics

APT annual review: What the world’s threat actors got up to in 2020

We track the ongoing activities of more than 900 advanced threat actors. Here we try to focus on what we consider to be the most interesting trends and developments of the last 12 months. Continue reading APT annual review: What the world’s threat actors got up to in 2020