how to set a low passwrd limit or make incremental mode on john the ripper use a small charset [closed]

im running a password attack on myself using john the ripper, for some reason it ends up proceeding with (incremental:ASCII) ive seen that apparently this wont terminate (i think that means come back with a passwrd) because it has to many … Continue reading how to set a low passwrd limit or make incremental mode on john the ripper use a small charset [closed]

Trouble Extracting Hash from PKCS#8 Encrypted Private Key for Cracking – OpenSSH

I have an encrypted private key for OpenSSH that I need to crack the passphrase for. However, tools like and fail to parse the key. Here’s what I’ve tried so far:
Key Format Check
Running openssl asn1parse -in c… Continue reading Trouble Extracting Hash from PKCS#8 Encrypted Private Key for Cracking – OpenSSH