Hackaday Links: March 2, 2025

It’s been quite a week for asteroid 2024 YR4, which looked like it was going to live up to its “city killer” moniker only to be demoted to a fraction …read more Continue reading Hackaday Links: March 2, 2025
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It’s been quite a week for asteroid 2024 YR4, which looked like it was going to live up to its “city killer” moniker only to be demoted to a fraction …read more Continue reading Hackaday Links: March 2, 2025
Any student new to the principles of fluid dynamics will be familiar with Bernoulli’s principle and the Venturi effect, where the speed of a liquid or gas increases when the …read more Continue reading Variable-Nozzle Ducted Fan Provides Fluid Dynamics Lessons
While Dyson makes some good products, they aren’t known for being economical. Case in point: [Integza] spent $500 on a hair dryer. While he does have a fine head of …read more Continue reading Dyson Hair Dryer Becomes Jet Engine
When it comes to children’s ride-on toys, the Star Wars Land Speeder is one of the cooler examples out there. However, with weedy 12-volt motors, they certainly don’t move quickly. …read more Continue reading Ride-on Star Wars Land Speeder Gets A Real Jet Engine
Over the years [Integza] has blown up or melted many types of jet engine, including the humble pulsejet. Earlier improvements revolved around pumping in more fuel, or forced air intakes, …read more Continue reading A Detonation Engine Prototyped Using Resin Printing
Making machines go fast has always been a seemingly unavoidable impulse for humans. With the advent of radio control, it’s possible to get a taste of the rush without putting …read more Continue reading High Speed RC Jet Car is a Harsh Teacher
Have you ever wished you could peer inside a complex machine while it was still running? We sort of can with simulations and the CAD tools we have today, but …read more Continue reading This Jet Engine Will See You Through
You don’t happen to own and operate your own turbojet engine, do you? If you do, have you ever had the urge to “kick the tires and light the fires”? …read more Continue reading Adding Voluminous Joy to a DIY Turbojet With a DIY Afterburner
Everybody knows the trick to holding a candle flame to a balloon without it bursting — that of adding a little water before the air to absorb the heat from …read more Continue reading 3D Printing A Water-Cooled Jet Engine?
Turbojet engines are an incredible piece of 20th century engineering that except for some edge cases, have mostly been replaced by Turbofans. Still, even the most basic early designs were …read more Continue reading Electric Jet Engine Uses 3D Printed Compressor, Skips The Turbine Altogether.