North Korean hackers are impersonating a cryptocurrency company to target Bitcoin fans

A clever spearphishing campaign linked to North Korea has been taking advantage of a surge in public interest surrounding cryptocurrencies, like Bitcoin, in order to spread malware to people interested or involved in the budding industry, according new research from at least three different cybersecurity firms. The campaign appears to be carried out by a hacking group known as the “Lazarus Group,” which researchers have linked to North Korea in previous attacks, such as the 2014 Sony breach, an $81 million Bangladesh cyber heist in 2016 and the WannaCry worldwide ransomware attack in May. This scam focuses on convincing victims to download a Microsoft Word document that masquerades as a job posting for a position at a British cryptocurrency company. Once downloaded, the document prompts the user to “enable editing” and “enable content functions.” If the victim enables the prompt, a macro installs a backdoor that allows the attackers to install […]

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