Are deserialization attacks possible when unmarshalling user input to non-vulnerable types using the JAXB unmarshaller?

Are deserialization attacks possible when unmarshalling user input to non-vulnerable types using the JAXB unmarshaller?
We all know that deserializing user input to arbitrary types in Java leaves an application open to deserialization atta… Continue reading Are deserialization attacks possible when unmarshalling user input to non-vulnerable types using the JAXB unmarshaller?

Can I rename a Java keystore file through Windows/Eclipse without having to regenerate it?

We’re rebranding our product and as a part of that we need to rename a keystore used by Java for secure XMLRPC connections between our components from OLDBRANDNAME_keystore to NEWBRANDNAME_keystore. Can we safely do this simply by renaming… Continue reading Can I rename a Java keystore file through Windows/Eclipse without having to regenerate it?