AI robot buddy aims to teach gamers social skills

This charmingly Japanese robot acts as a gaming buddy, taking the other controller and playing against you while chatting about what’s happening on screen. It’s designed to stave off loneliness, and teach increasingly isolated gamers to be social.Conti… Continue reading AI robot buddy aims to teach gamers social skills

UK, Japan, and Italy team up to build 6th-Gen fighter plane

The Sixth-Generation fighter plane commonly known as the Tempest has taken a major step toward being reality after Britain, Japan, and Italy signed an international treaty in Tokyo to create a formal partnership to develop a new supersonic aircraft.Con… Continue reading UK, Japan, and Italy team up to build 6th-Gen fighter plane

Ancient extragalactic star discovered at the heart of the Milky Way

Looking at all the stars in the night sky, you’d never notice that one of them wasn’t from around here. Astronomers have now found that a star right near the supermassive black hole at the center of the Milky Way likely originated in a smaller galaxy t… Continue reading Ancient extragalactic star discovered at the heart of the Milky Way