US National Cyber Director plans Japan trip to bolster digital cooperation

Inglis’s trip reflects Japan’s status as an increasingly important ally on cybersecurity, particularly as the administration focuses more on China.

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Synthetic bacteria becomes smallest lifeform that can move around

Japanese scientists have engineered the smallest lifeform that can move on its own. The team introduced bacterial proteins that enable movement into a simple synthetic bacterium that normally cannot move, causing it to change shape and become mobile.Co… Continue reading Synthetic bacteria becomes smallest lifeform that can move around

Synthetic bacteria becomes smallest lifeform that can move around

Japanese scientists have engineered the smallest lifeform that can move on its own. The team introduced bacterial proteins that enable movement into a simple synthetic bacterium that normally cannot move, causing it to change shape and become mobile.Co… Continue reading Synthetic bacteria becomes smallest lifeform that can move around

Remote controlled worms can follow stop and go lights

Scientists in Japan have demonstrated a technique that essentially allows them to remotely control the movements of worms. By implanting light-sensitive proteins into the organisms, the team was able to make them move under green light and stop under U… Continue reading Remote controlled worms can follow stop and go lights