New Earth-sized planet discovered, and it may be able to support life

A new, Earth-sized planet has been discovered only 90 light-years away from us. In astronomical terms, that’s right next door. What’s more, it might be capable of supporting life.Continue ReadingCategory: Space, ScienceTags: Exoplanet, TESS, Spitzer, v… Continue reading New Earth-sized planet discovered, and it may be able to support life

Webb confirms water in weird comet, but something else is missing

The James Webb Space Telescope has detected water vapor on an object in the asteroid belt, a region of the solar system where it wasn’t known to survive. The new observations also reveal something missing unexpectedly.Continue ReadingCategory: Space, S… Continue reading Webb confirms water in weird comet, but something else is missing

James Webb may have detected water vapor in rocky planet’s atmosphere

The James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) has detected water vapor near a planet in another system, which could mark the first direct detection of a rocky exoplanet’s atmosphere. But there’s a big if hanging over the find.Continue ReadingCategory: Space, S… Continue reading James Webb may have detected water vapor in rocky planet’s atmosphere

James Webb Space Telescope sends back spectacular images of Uranus

The James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) has captured spectacular new infrared images of the planet Uranus revealing new details of the ice giant’s atmosphere over the north polar region, its ring system, and multiple moons.Continue ReadingCategory: Space… Continue reading James Webb Space Telescope sends back spectacular images of Uranus

Webb telescope spots mysterious ‘Green Monster’ in supernova image

Operational only since July 2022, the James Webb Space telescope has already provided the world with astounding images of the universe. This includes new finds like “impossibly massive” galaxies and the most comprehensive profile of an exoplanet’s atmo… Continue reading Webb telescope spots mysterious ‘Green Monster’ in supernova image

James Webb sheds more light on exoplanets’ ability to support life

Researchers have used the James Webb Space Telescope to measure the temperature of the innermost planet in the TRAPPIST-1 system, shedding more light on the ability of planets like these to support life.Continue ReadingCategory: Space, ScienceTags: TRA… Continue reading James Webb sheds more light on exoplanets’ ability to support life

Hackaday Links: March 26, 2023

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Sad news in the tech world this week as Intel co-founder Gordon Moore passed away in Hawaii at the age of 94. Along with Robert Noyce in 1968, Moore founded …read more Continue reading Hackaday Links: March 26, 2023

The galactic hunt for a planet in the Venus Zone has begun

Even though Venus is the closest planet to Earth, there’s still a lot we don’t know about it, especially when it comes to its galactic-scale history. Was it once habitable? Did it ever have water? Was the atmosphere ever different than the toxic cockta… Continue reading The galactic hunt for a planet in the Venus Zone has begun

James Webb spots “impossibly massive” galaxies in the distant universe

The James Webb Space Telescope keeps challenging our best models of how the universe evolved, thanks to its incredible ability to see farther back in space and time than ever before. Now it’s discovered some “impossibly” gigantic galaxies that contain … Continue reading James Webb spots “impossibly massive” galaxies in the distant universe