Identity Management Capability for User Management

One of the core aspects of IT infrastructure is the identity management capability for user management. In fact, outside of running the network itself, there may not be a more important task for IT admins than identity and access control. Securely conn… Continue reading Identity Management Capability for User Management

Tags to Groups Migration: System/User Management

Groups is a powerful new functionality of the Directory-as-a-Service® platform. Essentially, Groups are a collection of JumpCloud objects (Users or Systems, for example), that can be associated with other objects…
The post Tags to Groups Migrati… Continue reading Tags to Groups Migration: System/User Management

Tags to Groups Migration: System/User Management

Groups is a powerful new functionality of the Directory-as-a-Service® platform. Essentially, Groups are a collection of JumpCloud objects (Users or Systems, for example), that can be associated with other objects…
The post Tags to Groups Migrati… Continue reading Tags to Groups Migration: System/User Management