Apple Mum on 128 Million Users Hack

September 21, 2015, happened to be a big day for Apple. Not because they had to launch a new product. It was because they had to choose if they wanted to announce 128 million Apple users were hacked or be silent about it. According to Ars Technica, res… Continue reading Apple Mum on 128 Million Users Hack

All Your iPhone Are Belong To Us

Apple’s commitment to customer privacy took the acid test after the San Bernadino shooting incident. Law enforcement demanded that Apple unlock the shooter’s phone, and Apple refused. Court cases ensued. Some people think that the need to protect the public outweighs the need for privacy. Some people think that once they can unlock one iPhone, it won’t stop there and that will be bad for everyone. This post isn’t about either of those positions. The FBI dropped their lawsuit against Apple. Why? They found an Israeli firm that would unlock the phone for about $5,000. In addition, Malwarebytes — a …read more

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Apple’s Secure Enclave Processor (SEP) Firmware Decyrpted

The decryption key for Apple’s Secure Enclave Processor (SEP) firmware Posted Online by self-described “ARM64 pornstar” [xerub]. SEP is the security co-processor introduced with the iPhone 5s which is when touch ID was introduced. It’s a black box that we’re not supposed to know anything about but [xerub] has now pulled back the curtain on that.

The secure enclave handles the processing of fingerprint data from the touch ID sensor and determines if it is a match or not while it also enables access for purchases for the user. The SEP is a gatekeeper which prevents the main processor from …read more

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Apple Patents Technology to remotely disable your iPhone Camera at Concerts

Here’s something you’ll not like at all:

Apple has been awarded a patent for technology that would prevent you from snapping pictures and shooting videos with your iPhone or iPad at places or events, like concerts or museums, where it might be prohibi… Continue reading Apple Patents Technology to remotely disable your iPhone Camera at Concerts

Your iPhone will Alert You if You are Being Monitored At Work

Are You an Employee?

It’s quite possible that someone has been reading your messages, emails, listening to your phone calls, and monitoring your activities at work.

No, it’s not a spy agency or any hacker…

…Oops! It’s your Boss.

Recently, European Court had ruled that the Employers can legally monitor as well as read workers’ private messages sent via chat software like WhatsApp or

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