If the option "Always Relay Calls" is enabled in Signal messenger, will that also hide the IP when sending messages? [closed]

If the option "Always Relay Calls" is enabled in Signal messenger, will that also hide the IP when sending messages? Does that mean that all data packets are routed through Signal servers?

Continue reading If the option "Always Relay Calls" is enabled in Signal messenger, will that also hide the IP when sending messages? [closed]

How can iplocation.net know my country if I use a VPN thru Opera Mini on Android? [duplicate]

How can iplocation.net know my country if I use a VPN thru Opera Mini on Android?
Accessing myip.com it says "no country".
But accessing iplocation.net shows my real city and provider! And a different IP address from myip.com, of… Continue reading How can iplocation.net know my country if I use a VPN thru Opera Mini on Android? [duplicate]