3 Web Third-Party Related Events You Don’t Want to Miss from August-September 2020

As the end of 2020 is approaching, we see more evidence of the rising risks relating to installed third-party apps running on websites. In this month’s top 3 events we will review the 102-day Warner Music Group breach, how web skimmers were able to use… Continue reading 3 Web Third-Party Related Events You Don’t Want to Miss from August-September 2020

How Black Friday and Cyber Monday Can Go From a Retailer’s Dream Into a CiSO’s Worst Nightmare

The shopping season which begins on Black Friday rolling over to Cyber Monday, is actually one of the most critical times for online retailers. During this period promotions are offered, new products are launched, and the shopping websites themselves i… Continue reading How Black Friday and Cyber Monday Can Go From a Retailer’s Dream Into a CiSO’s Worst Nightmare

Why and How are Enterprise Companies, Like eBay, Actively Port-scanning End-users’ Computers From Their Websites

You might have recently heard that eBay is performing port scanning, while online shoppers are visiting their website. At first glance, it will probably sound a bit strange, as port scanning is an internal network action. As such, it is designed to det… Continue reading Why and How are Enterprise Companies, Like eBay, Actively Port-scanning End-users’ Computers From Their Websites

Attackers Inside Your Code: a Special Webinar by Reflectiz

Meet the Next Generation of Website Threats: The Hidden Risks of Third-Party Apps  Learn everything you need to know about the invisible dangers of third-party apps on websites. We’ll take you all the way from detection to effective mitigati… Continue reading Attackers Inside Your Code: a Special Webinar by Reflectiz

Compliance for Third-Party scripts on your website and how to ensure it

A guest whitepaper publication by Reflectiz’ Dutch partner Cert2Connect It has been our privilege to partner with Cert2Connect over the last 12 months. We have discovered that they are one of the most proficient organizations in the cyber-securit… Continue reading Compliance for Third-Party scripts on your website and how to ensure it

Stay Home, Stay Safe and How to Stay Relevant During the Coronavirus Outbreak

Crazy days. All of us are facing new and unfamiliar challenges. If you think about staying at home from an employment perspective, even the tiniest tasks become more complicated. For many, it is about the ability to contribute to their organization and… Continue reading Stay Home, Stay Safe and How to Stay Relevant During the Coronavirus Outbreak

Immediate Free Website Protection Against Third-Party Risks During the Covid-19 Crisis 

Supply-chain attacks, website third-party risks, client-side threats, Magecart attacks, foam-jacking…, It’s all there, threatening your most valuable asset.  Well, don’t let it bother you these days. We will get you fully covered… Continue reading Immediate Free Website Protection Against Third-Party Risks During the Covid-19 Crisis 

The Coronavirus Impacts on Cybersecurity

Protecting Your Website Against Major Threats, Supply-Chain Attacks and Client’s Side Risks on  Coronavirus Times The Coronavirus outbreak has now officially been declared as a global pandemic by the World Health Organization. Along with cau… Continue reading The Coronavirus Impacts on Cybersecurity

Dean Wells on what’s new in Windows Server 2019 Security

Windows Server 2019 has brought in many enhancements to their security posture as well as a whole new set of capabilities. In one of the sessions titled ‘Elevating your security posture with Windows Server 2019’ at Microsoft Ignite 2018, De… Continue reading Dean Wells on what’s new in Windows Server 2019 Security