Go for Gold by Transforming Compliance Into Data Security

Organizations should go for gold when it comes to data security rather than simply doing enough to satisfy compliance requirements.

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Insider Threats in India: Is It Time to Focus on Privileged Users?

Insider threats can be even more devastating to an Indian organization than distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) or malware attacks.

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My data, my problem

I haven’t seen BlackHat, you know the movie featuring Chris Hemsworth? In fact the list of shows or movies I haven’t seen (or in fact am unlikely to see) is growing as the world of ‘hacking’ becomes more in tune with popular culture. To be entirely honest this is not really a hardship, but one of the most frustrating elements of working in the field of information security is how difficult it is becoming to … More Continue reading My data, my problem

58% of orgs have no controls in place to prevent insider threats

More than half of organizations (58 percent) still lack the appropriate controls to prevent insider attacks, with just under half (44 percent) unaware if their organization has experienced an insider attack at all, according to a new survey of more than 500 cybersecurity professionals. The Insider Threat Spotlight Report also found that nearly half of those surveyed have seen an increase in insider attacks over the last 12 months. Inadvertent data breaches (71 percent) top … More Continue reading 58% of orgs have no controls in place to prevent insider threats

Citibank IT guy deliberately wiped routers, shut down 90% of firm’s networks across America

Citibank IT guy deliberately wiped routers, shut down 90% of firm’s networks across America

The truth is that the person hacking you may not be someone you’ve never met, wearing a hoody on the other side of the world. They could be sat right next to you, wearing a business suit.

Read more in my article on the Tripwire State of Security blog.

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Citibank IT guy deliberately wiped routers, shut down 90% of firm’s networks across America

The truth is that the person hacking you may not be someone you’ve never met, wearing a hoody on the other side of the world. They could be sat right next to you, wearing a business suit.

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Delilah: Ransomware and Recruitment

When Chuck Berry recorded ‘Beautiful Delilah’ back in the 1950s, he wasn’t thinking of anything like the Trojan described by Diskin, according to Gartner’s Avivah Litan, as gathering ‘enough personal information from the victim so that the individual can later be manipulated or extorted.’ By which the company seems to include recruitment of insiders by forcing […] Continue reading Delilah: Ransomware and Recruitment

The Insider Threat: Are You at Risk?

Some security red flags, such as the presence of shadow IT and weak authentication practices, could indicate a high risk for an insider threat.

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Government IT pros overconfident in insider threat detection

An extensive study conducted by Dimensional Research evaluated the confidence of IT professionals regarding the efficacy of seven key security controls, which must be in place to quickly detect a cyber attack in progress. Study respondents included 763 IT professionals from various industries, including 103 participants from federal government organizations. Despite the persistent issues surrounding privileged access, almost one-third of federal government respondents disclosed they are not able to detect every non-privileged user’s attempt to … More Continue reading Government IT pros overconfident in insider threat detection

Cyber threats today: Significant and diverse

Insider data theft and malware attacks top the list of the most significant concerns for enterprise security executives, according to Accenture. Of those surveyed, 69 percent of respondents experienced an attempted or successful theft or corruption of data by insiders during the prior 12 months, with media and technology organizations reporting the highest rate (77 percent). This insider risk will continue to be an issue, with security professionals’ concerns over insider theft of corporate information … More Continue reading Cyber threats today: Significant and diverse