Cola-Cola breach: ex-employee stole hard drive with 8,000 workers’ data

By Carolina
The world-renowned carbonated soft drink producer Cola-Cola has announced that it has
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1 in 10 healthcare organizations paid a ransom within the last year

More than one in three healthcare organizations have suffered a cyberattack within the last year, while almost one in 10 have paid a ransom or extortion fee, according to Imperva. Healthcare data is extremely valuable on the dark web as it contains hig… Continue reading 1 in 10 healthcare organizations paid a ransom within the last year

Insider Threat Controls: What Are the GDPR Implications?

To remain General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) compliant, you will need to make sure the right people have the right access. Explore the implications of GDPR on insider threat controls.

The post Insider Threat Controls: What Are the GDPR Implications? appeared first on Security Intelligence.

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Critical Data: How Exposed Is Your Personal Information?

Do you know who can see the critical data on your network? Learn how and why organizations may not be doing enough to protect sensitive information.

The post Critical Data: How Exposed Is Your Personal Information? appeared first on Security Intelligence.

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Insider threat blind spot enables employee revenge attacks

Based on threat assessments from global organizations in public and private sector industries, Dtex Systems determined there are active insider threats in all assessed organizations. This is clear proof that none have been able to eliminate the insider… Continue reading Insider threat blind spot enables employee revenge attacks

$8.76 million: The average yearly cost of insider threats

According to The Ponemon Institute’s report, “2018 Cost of Insider Threats: Global Organizations,” the average cost of an insider threat annually is $8.76 million. It’s critical for organizations to understand the main causes of insider threats, becaus… Continue reading $8.76 million: The average yearly cost of insider threats

Former SunTrust employee stole data on 1.5 million clients

US commercial bank SunTrust has announced on Friday that they’ve fallen victim to insider threat, and that customer records of some 1.5 million of its customers had been extracted from its systems. What is known so far and has been shared with in… Continue reading Former SunTrust employee stole data on 1.5 million clients

Alaskan airline hacker sentenced to 5 years’ probation

A former employee of Alaskan regional airline PenAir has pleaded guilty to felony fraud associated with hacking attacks against the company’s ticketing and reservation system in the spring of 2017, announced the US Department of Justice. Suzette … Continue reading Alaskan airline hacker sentenced to 5 years’ probation

How companies continue to expose sensitive data to threats

A new study from the Varonis Data Lab found that on average, 21% of a company’s folders were accessible to every employee, and 41% of companies had at least 1,000 sensitive files open to all employees. The report, based on analysis of data risk assessm… Continue reading How companies continue to expose sensitive data to threats