Exposure of sensitive data via cloud applications and services increases 20%

To identify top threats, the Dtex researchers collected and analyzed information from work-issued endpoints across more than 300,000 user accounts. Proprietary, cloud and personal accounts such as email were included in the total. Assessed organization… Continue reading Exposure of sensitive data via cloud applications and services increases 20%

Inner Circle Podcast Episode 021 – Wendy Nather Talks about the Value of Zero Trust Security

I was honored to have Wendy Nather, head of advisory CISOs for Duo Security–now part of Cisco, join me as my guest for this episode of the Inner Circle podcast. Wendy is one of the most respected voices in cybersecurity today–which also exp… Continue reading Inner Circle Podcast Episode 021 – Wendy Nather Talks about the Value of Zero Trust Security

Turns Out Kaspersky Labs Helped FBI Catch Alleged NSA Leaker

Remember “The Shadow Brokers” and the arrest of a former NSA contractor accused of stealing 50 Terabytes of top secret documents from the intelligence agency?

It turns out that, Kaspersky Lab, which has been banned in US government computers over spyi… Continue reading Turns Out Kaspersky Labs Helped FBI Catch Alleged NSA Leaker

What is an ‘Insider Threat’ and How Do We Detect Them?

Insider threats are the biggest cyber security issue for companies and big organizations because they can cause the most damage. These types of cyber security threats are also very hard to detect and prevent in comparison to outsider attacks. This is b… Continue reading What is an ‘Insider Threat’ and How Do We Detect Them?

Are we chasing the wrong zero days?

Zero days became part of mainstream security after the world found out that Stuxnet malware was used to inflict physical damage on an Iranian nuclear facility. After the revelation, organization focused efforts on closing unknown pathways into networks… Continue reading Are we chasing the wrong zero days?

11/19/18: Dtex, Insider Threat, Privacy News Blog: Trump Signs CISA Legislation; Defending Against Culture; Surveillance: Freedom’s Killer

Happy Thanksgiving! The holiday may equate to a short work week in the US but there is certainly no shortage of news breaking about cybersecurity, privacy and the insider threat. The biggest cybersecurity news out last week had to be passage of the Cyb… Continue reading 11/19/18: Dtex, Insider Threat, Privacy News Blog: Trump Signs CISA Legislation; Defending Against Culture; Surveillance: Freedom’s Killer

11/12/2018: Dtex, Insider Threat, Privacy News: Federal News Network Taps Dtex For Insider Threat Insights; Phishing, the Underestimated Insider Threat

The insider threat has been a challenge that government agencies have had to contend with since well before the days of Edward Snowden. While the fed has made significant strides in addressing the threat, there is still work to be done. Last week, we r… Continue reading 11/12/2018: Dtex, Insider Threat, Privacy News: Federal News Network Taps Dtex For Insider Threat Insights; Phishing, the Underestimated Insider Threat

Private: 11/5/18: Dtex, Insider Threat, Privacy News: Insider Threat Matures; China Intel Officers Recruit Insiders; Sen. Wyden Disrupts Privacy, Again

The insider threat has come of age. Last week, The National Insider Threat Task Force (NITTF), operating under the joint leadership of the Attorney General and the Director of National Intelligence, announced the release of the “Insider Threat Pr… Continue reading Private: 11/5/18: Dtex, Insider Threat, Privacy News: Insider Threat Matures; China Intel Officers Recruit Insiders; Sen. Wyden Disrupts Privacy, Again

Accused CIA Leaker Faces New Charges of Leaking Information From Prison

Joshua Adam Schulte, a 30-year-old former CIA computer programmer who was indicted over four months ago for masterminding the largest leak of classified information in the agency’s history, has now been issued three new charges.

The news comes just ho… Continue reading Accused CIA Leaker Faces New Charges of Leaking Information From Prison

Federal insider-threat programs get a dose of ‘Maturity’

A government task force hopes to improve federal agencies’ ability to identify insider threats and avoid the leak of sensitive or classified information. The National Insider Threat Task Force (NITTF) — run by the FBI and the Office of the Director of National Intelligence — released the “ Insider Threat Program Maturity Framework” on Thursday. It complements a set of standards the task force released in 2012 that set the “minimum elements necessary to establish functional insider threat programs.” The aim with the new framework is to help federal agencies go beyond the minimum guidelines issued six years ago and be “more proactive, comprehensive, and better postured to deter, detect, and mitigate insider threat risk.” It can be used to start an insider threat program or augment an existing one. The framework comprises 19 “maturity elements,” such as the ability to adapt a program to comply with changing laws; educating employees […]

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