1 in 4 employees would steal company information to secure their next job

According to a survey of 476 IT security professionals at Black Hat USA 2019, nearly one in four (24%) said they would take company information to help apply for a position at a competitor. The Gurucul study also found that managed service providers or… Continue reading 1 in 4 employees would steal company information to secure their next job

Identifying evasive threats hiding inside the network

There is no greater security risk to an organization than a threat actor that knows how to operate under the radar. Malicious insiders and external cybercriminals are getting savvier. They are better at blending in without tripping any alerts. They ski… Continue reading Identifying evasive threats hiding inside the network

Reducing Investigation Time: How to Quickly Parse True Positives

In the world of security operations, quickly and accurately investigating security incidents is paramount. As a result, filtering out the non-consequential incidents from the consequential incidents helps reduce the investigative time for the secu… Continue reading Reducing Investigation Time: How to Quickly Parse True Positives

Staff and IT leadership at odds over data security

It’s no secret that employees and contractors are one of the primary causes of enterprise security events. It’s not that most insiders who cause data breaches are malicious. They’re not. They may carelessly send a cleartext email that… Continue reading Staff and IT leadership at odds over data security

Damaging insider threats rise to new highs in the past year

70 percent of organizations are more frequently seeing insider attacks, with 60 percent experiencing one or more within the last 12 months, and 68 percent feeling “extremely to moderately” vulnerable to them, according to Nucleus Cyber. Not only are or… Continue reading Damaging insider threats rise to new highs in the past year

Security Weekly Interview: Securing Identity With Conditional Access

Organizations often have incomplete views of who is accessing what, when, where and how across multiple applications and systems. Understanding a user and their behavior is critical to understanding corporate security risk. In an interview in&#160… Continue reading Security Weekly Interview: Securing Identity With Conditional Access

How to Prevent Insider Data Breaches at your Business

Guest article by Dan Baker of SecureTeam
Majority of security systems are installed to try and forestall any external threats to a business’ network, but what about the security threats that are inside your organisation and your network… Continue reading How to Prevent Insider Data Breaches at your Business

Insider attacks still far more difficult to detect and prevent than external cyber attacks

A recent survey conducted by Gurucul of more than 320 IT security experts, found that 15 percent of people said they would delete files or change passwords upon exiting a company. Most organizations place their focus on defending against and detecting … Continue reading Insider attacks still far more difficult to detect and prevent than external cyber attacks

Empowering Employees to Reduce Security Incidents

In the hustle and bustle of our modern world, we can all get easily lost in the noise. One kind of noise is most frustrating for security teams: the noise of security incidents. With more and more data feeds into your security analytics products, … Continue reading Empowering Employees to Reduce Security Incidents