Qualys streamlines supply chain GDPR compliance assessment with cloud app

Qualys announced new functionality in its Security Assessment Questionnaire (SAQ) cloud app that allows customers to better achieve visibility of data across their own network and supply chain for compliance with the European Union’s General Data Prote… Continue reading Qualys streamlines supply chain GDPR compliance assessment with cloud app

Most businesses still struggling with mobile working and security

95 percent of surveyed organisations in the UK recognise problems with mobile and remote working, and worryingly, 18% suggest their mobile workers don’t care about security, according to Apricorn. Does mobile working equal trouble? All surveyed IT deci… Continue reading Most businesses still struggling with mobile working and security

Discover all IT assets across your global hybrid infrastructure

Qualys announced Asset Inventory (AI), a new cloud app with capabilities that provide customers a single source of truth for IT assets spread across hybrid environments including on-premises, endpoints, clouds and mobile, with synchronization capabilit… Continue reading Discover all IT assets across your global hybrid infrastructure

Cybersecurity: A core component of digital transformation

In this podcast, Kai Grunwitz, Senior VP EMEA at NTT Security, talks about the NTT Security 2018 Risk:Value Report, and the importance of cybersecurity for a successful digital transformation. Here’s a transcript of the podcast for your convenience. He… Continue reading Cybersecurity: A core component of digital transformation

To pay hackers’ ransom demands or to invest in more security?

One third of global business decision makers report that their organization would try to cut costs by paying a ransom demand from a hacker rather than invest in information security. The findings from the latest Risk:Value report, commissioned by NTT S… Continue reading To pay hackers’ ransom demands or to invest in more security?

Qualys at Infosecurity Europe 2018: Best practices presentations from industry leaders

There will be no lack of interesting content from Qualys at Infosecurity Europe this year. Depending on you interests, you might want to make time for some of these talks and presentations. Visit Qualys at stand L100 to hear best practices presentation… Continue reading Qualys at Infosecurity Europe 2018: Best practices presentations from industry leaders