The tense journey from “riskiest asteroid in a decade” to no threat

Astronomers had a tense few days in January, as a newly discovered space rock became the riskiest asteroid in a decade – and then hid behind the Moon for a week. Thankfully, further observations have now found that it poses no risk to Earth when it swi… Continue reading The tense journey from “riskiest asteroid in a decade” to no threat

Impact-absorbing traffic light poles could save lives

When a car crashes into a roadside object at an intersection, chances are pretty high that object will be a traffic light pole. If it’s a new energy-absorbing pole, however, the likelihood of injury or even death may be significantly reduced.Continue R… Continue reading Impact-absorbing traffic light poles could save lives

Dinosaur-killing rock traced to population of “dark primitive asteroids”

About 66 million years ago, a gigantic object crashed into the Earth, triggering a mass extinction that took out the dinosaurs. Now, scientists from Southwest Research Institute say they’ve traced the culprit back to its point of origin, identifying it… Continue reading Dinosaur-killing rock traced to population of “dark primitive asteroids”

Fossilized “megaripples” record huge tsunami from ancient asteroid impact

Around 66 million years ago, a gigantic asteroid smashed into the Earth and brought the 160-million-year reign of the dinosaurs to an end. Now, researchers have discovered direct evidence of this world-changing cataclysm in the form of fossilized “mega… Continue reading Fossilized “megaripples” record huge tsunami from ancient asteroid impact

Fossilized “megaripples” record huge tsunami from ancient asteroid impact

Around 66 million years ago, a gigantic asteroid smashed into the Earth and brought the 160-million-year reign of the dinosaurs to an end. Now, researchers have discovered direct evidence of this world-changing cataclysm in the form of fossilized “mega… Continue reading Fossilized “megaripples” record huge tsunami from ancient asteroid impact

Quadcopter with Tensegrity Shell Takes A Beating And Gets Back Up

Many of us have become familiar with the distinctive sound of multirotor toys, a sound frequently punctuated by sharp sounds of crashes. We’d then have to pick it up and repair any damage before flying fun can resume. This is fine for a toy, but autonomous fliers will need to …read more

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Certificate Signed Using Weak Hashing Algorithm impact on a workstation

I did a vulnerability scan on some of our company workstations. These are workstations used by employees (dev, HR, accounting, etc.) to do their job.
One of the common result I found is SSL/TLS Certificate Signed Using Weak Hashing Algorit… Continue reading Certificate Signed Using Weak Hashing Algorithm impact on a workstation

ThreatList: Data Breaches Batter Stock Prices at Public Companies, For Months

When it comes to bouncing back, long-term impact to share prices from a data breach incident is significant on average for large companies. Continue reading ThreatList: Data Breaches Batter Stock Prices at Public Companies, For Months