The rule-bending winners of Red Bull Illume Special Image Quest 2020

Spinning off from the Red Bull Illume Quest photography competition comes Red Bull Illume Special Image Quest 2020. Like its sibling, this competition showcases imagery from the world of adventure and action sports, but with an Instagram focus. The cat… Continue reading The rule-bending winners of Red Bull Illume Special Image Quest 2020

Argos Book of Horrors

If you live outside the UK you may not be familiar with Argos, but it’s basically what Americans would have if Sears hadn’t become a complete disaster after the Internet became popular. While they operate many brick-and-mortar stores and are a formidable online retailer, they still have a large physical …read more

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New privacy tool ‘Fawkes’ blocks your images from facial recognition

By Sudais Asif
Fawkes was tested against Facial AI including Microsoft Azure Face API…
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