Hubble gallery showcases 30 cosmic gems visible to amateur astronomers

NASA has released a collection of 50 stunning Hubble images to celebrate the veteran telescope’s 30th anniversary, which took place earlier this year. The images show 30 cosmic objects, ranging from planetary nebulae to galaxies in incredible detail, r… Continue reading Hubble gallery showcases 30 cosmic gems visible to amateur astronomers

Photoshop’s new AI-powered Neural Filters include emotion editing

Perhaps we spoke a tad too soon. Adobe has extended the AI-enhanced capabilities of its Photoshop image editing software to include instant sky replacement, some super-easy selection tools and some early Neural Filters, including emotion editing.Contin… Continue reading Photoshop’s new AI-powered Neural Filters include emotion editing

Hubble’s stunning new snaps of Jupiter reveal fresh storms brewing

It’s human nature to be transfixed by clouds and all the strange shapes they swirl into, but we don’t have to be limited to Earthly skies. Jupiter offers some of the best cloud-watching in the solar system, and new Hubble images remind us why, revealin… Continue reading Hubble’s stunning new snaps of Jupiter reveal fresh storms brewing