Adobe Fixes 16 Critical Code-Execution Bugs Across Portfolio

The out-of-band patches follow a lighter-than-usual Patch Tuesday update earlier this month. Continue reading Adobe Fixes 16 Critical Code-Execution Bugs Across Portfolio

Bumper Adobe update fixes flaws in Magento, Bridge and Illustrator

After a light Patch Tuesday earlier this month, Adobe has issued an unexpectedly large bundle of critical security fixes for flaws affecting its Magento, Bridge and Illustrator products. These might look casually out of band but in fact Adobe often sta… Continue reading Bumper Adobe update fixes flaws in Magento, Bridge and Illustrator

Adding Vector Art To Your Eagle Boards

Badgelife and the rise of artistic PCBs are pushing the envelope of what can be done with printed circuit boards. And if you’re doing PCB art, you really want to do it with vectors. This is a surprisingly hard problem, because very few software tools can actually do DXFs and SVGs properly. Never fear, because [TallDarknWeirdo] has the solution for you. It’s in Eagle, and it uses Illustrator and Inkscape, but then again this is a hard problem.

The demonstration article for this example is just a Christmas tree. It’s somewhat topical green soldermask is standard, FR4 looks like wood, …read more

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