Cloud Directory Feature AD Extension

  The IAM (identity and access management) market is in a state of rapid change. Considering the constant flood of new IT resources, like web applications and Mac systems, it’s not surprising IAM is changing as fast as it is. The challenge i… Continue reading Cloud Directory Feature AD Extension

Linux® Identity and Access Management

Linux® identity and access management (IAM) can be challenging in modern IT organizations. It used to be that Linux systems and servers were such a small fraction of enterprise networks that IT could effectively manage them independently. Now, Lin… Continue reading Linux® Identity and Access Management

Identity Management Competition

Identity management is becoming one of the hottest markets in the IT space, which is interesting because the identity and access management (IAM) category has historically been controlled by one major player for many years. Recently, though, there has … Continue reading Identity Management Competition

Active Directory vs. Okta

Between the proliferation of Mac and Linux systems and the move to cloud-based resources, the IT landscape has witnessed a tremendous amount of change over the last two decades. With changes like these, can IT organizations continue to manage their mod… Continue reading Active Directory vs. Okta

How GDPR Affects IAM Usage

GDPR is placing a lot of demands on companies to protect the privacy of individuals. But what does that mean for identity management? The European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) takes effect May 25 and aims to protect the identity o… Continue reading How GDPR Affects IAM Usage

Google Cloud Identity Review

Google has been making a lot of headway with their Google Cloud Identity offering, so it’s time for a Google Cloud Identity review. What can Google Cloud Identity do for your environment? Can Google Cloud Identity completely replace your on-prem … Continue reading Google Cloud Identity Review

OneLogin™ Competition

In the average organization, IT admins believe their company uses around 50 cloud services; in reality, it’s closer to 1,000 (Cisco). It’s not a surprise, then, that the web application single sign-on (SSO) market is a highly competitive, a… Continue reading OneLogin™ Competition

G Suite™ Directory Review

With the recent introduction of Google® Cloud Identity, a G Suite™ Directory review may be in order. The various components of Google Cloud Identity management can be confusing. It’s also important to understand Google’s overall … Continue reading G Suite™ Directory Review

Securing Endpoint User Access

Securing endpoint user access is critical for modern IT organizations. Essentially, it refers to the ability to securely manage and connect users to their laptops, desktops, and other enterprise devices – including the ability to revoke access if… Continue reading Securing Endpoint User Access

Tips for Using IAM in a Gig Economy

IAM can be challenging for security teams and downright vexing for freelance and short-term contract workers. These tips will help smooth the IAM path for all. Even in the strong U.S. economy—or perhaps because of it—layoffs of permanent personnel are… Continue reading Tips for Using IAM in a Gig Economy