Bug Poaching: A New Extortion Tactic Targeting Enterprises

Bug poaching may not feel as severe as full-blown advanced attacks that expose your data to the public, but you should treat them just as seriously.

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Insider Attacks May Be Closer Than They Appear

Security policies and employee education are just two of the many ways that organizations can mitigate the threat of insider attacks.

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Telnet: An Attacker’s Gateway to the IoT

Savvy cybercriminals are using older technologies such as Telnet to carry out attacks on IoT devices, a recent IBM Security report discovered.

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Footprinting and Brute-Force Attacks Remain Prevalent

With so much attention focused on APTs and mutating malware, it’s easy to overlook brute-force attacks — which can still be successful.

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Understanding EdgeHTML’s Attack Surface and Exploit Mitigations

EdgeHTML’s large attack surface can be daunting for users. Learn more about possible attacks as well as exploit mitigations that enhance security.

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Time Is Money: GozNym Launches Redirection Attacks in Poland

The GozNym banking Trojan has pivoted its focus from targeting North American institutions to launching redirection attacks in Europe.

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Reviewing the Cyber Threat Landscape with IBM X-Force: Serious Data Breaches, Major Attacks and New Vulnerabilities

The “IBM 2016 Cyber Security Intelligence Index” reveals IBM X-Force’s collected data on the threat landscape and attack types affecting all industries.

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Three Steps to Stop a Threat Before It Becomes an Incident

Threats today use devices and servers to gain access to data and the corporate environment. That’s why organizations need an incident response strategy.

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