Hydra accepts all passwords as valid when only one is. What can I do to make hydra work? [duplicate]

Hydra accepts all passwords as valid when only one is. What can I do to make hydra work? No articles helped.
My command:
hydra -V -l 1234565 -P password.txt -s 443 gartic.com.br http-post-form"/log.php:userLogin=^USER^&senhaLogin=… Continue reading Hydra accepts all passwords as valid when only one is. What can I do to make hydra work? [duplicate]

Why hydra showing this error [ERROR] could not connect to ssh://

I am using hydra to bruteforce my router admin page. By scanning with nmap it is showing port 22 ssh is open and when i use medusa it is bruteforcing properly but with hydra i am using this command :
hydra -l admin -p admin ssh://192.168…. Continue reading Why hydra showing this error [ERROR] could not connect to ssh://