5 Signs your WordPress Site is Hacked (And How to Fix It)

By Owais Sultan
Currently, there are over 455 million websites powered by WordPress which highlights the fact that this open-source content management system is a lucrative target for cybercriminals and why security should be the top priority of WP use… Continue reading 5 Signs your WordPress Site is Hacked (And How to Fix It)

How to manage the intersection of Java, security and DevOps at a low complexity cost

In this Help Net Security video, Erik Costlow, Senior Director of Product Management at Azul, talks about Java centric vulnerabilities and the headache they have become for developers everywhere. He touches on the need for putting security back into De… Continue reading How to manage the intersection of Java, security and DevOps at a low complexity cost

Identity is the killer context: 4 ways to stay in control

The COVID-19 pandemic sounded the death knell for the traditional perimeter. Work is now an activity, not a place, meaning the concept of an encircling wall of security is as out of date as a PC running Windows 95. In an era when people are working fro… Continue reading Identity is the killer context: 4 ways to stay in control

Understanding your attack surface is key to recognizing what you are defending

In this interview with Help Net Security, Marc Castejon, CEO at Silent Breach, discusses what organizations should be worried about at the moment, and what technologies they should focus in the near future. Cybersecurity threats are evolving quickly. B… Continue reading Understanding your attack surface is key to recognizing what you are defending

Machine Learning: How To Become A Machine Learning Engineer?

By Owais Sultan
This guide will introduce you to a machine learning career. You will get a complete understanding of the…
This is a post from HackRead.com Read the original post: Machine Learning: How To Become A Machine Learning Engineer?
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