American Cybercrime: The Riskiest States in 2018

Reading Time: ~4 min.Nearly 50% of Americans don’t use antivirus software That’s right; something as basic as installing internet security software (which we all know we’re supposed to use) is completely ignored by about half the US. … Continue reading American Cybercrime: The Riskiest States in 2018

Bad Apps: Protect Your Smartphone from Mobile Malware

Reading Time: ~2 min.Smartphone apps make life easier, more productive, and more entertaining. But can you trust every app you come across? Malicious mobile apps create easy access to your devices for Android and iOS malware to wreak havoc. And there a… Continue reading Bad Apps: Protect Your Smartphone from Mobile Malware

‘Smishing’: SMS and the Emerging Trend of Scamming Mobile Users via Text Messages

Reading Time: ~3 min.Text messages are now a common way for people to engage with brands and services, with many now preferring texts over email. But today’s scammers have taken a liking to text messages or smishing, too, and are now targeting vi… Continue reading ‘Smishing’: SMS and the Emerging Trend of Scamming Mobile Users via Text Messages