Roomba Gets Alexa Support with an ESP8266 Stowaway

The modern home is filled with plenty of “smart” devices, but unfortunately, they don’t always speak the same language. The coffee maker and the TV might both be able to talk to your phone through their respective apps, but that …read more

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Wireless, Low Power E-Ink Weather Gadget

(1) Weather alert indicator, (2) Current temperature and “feels like” temperature, (3) Relative humidity and wind, (4) 24-hour temperature graph, (5) 24-hour precipitation probability graph

Not that long ago, making a low-power and wireless weather display complete with an e-ink …read more

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Lowering The Electricity Bill By Mining Cryptocurrency

Wherever you are in the world, the chances are that a large portion of your utility bill is for heating. This was certainly the case for [Christian Haschek], who realized he can use a cryptocurrency mining rig to offset some …read more

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Spinach Photo Prints

Some people like spinach in their salads. Others would prefer it if it never gets near their fork. Still, other folks, like [Almudena Romero], use it for printing pictures, and they’re the folks we’ll focus on today.

Anthotypes are positive …read more

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