14k HIV+ records leaked, Singapore says sorry

Singapore’s Ministry of Health said the HIV status of 14,200 people, plus confidential data of 2,400 of their contacts, is in the possession of somebody who’s not authorized to have it and who’s published it online. Continue reading 14k HIV+ records leaked, Singapore says sorry

Records Breach: Singapore’s HIV-Positive National Registry Exposed

The records breach of HIV-positive individuals is the latest in a string of data breaches at Singapore’s Ministry of Health Health records in Singapore have been finding their way out of their “secure” storage and into the public domain of late…. Continue reading Records Breach: Singapore’s HIV-Positive National Registry Exposed

Françoise Barré-Sinoussi: Virus Hunter

It was early 1983 and Françoise Barré-Sinoussi of the prestigious Pasteur Institute in Paris was busy at the centrifuge trying to detect the presence of a retrovirus. The sample in the centrifuge came from an AIDS patient, though the disease wasn’t called AIDS yet.

Just two years earlier in the US, a cluster of young men had been reported as suffering from unusual infections and forms of cancer normally experienced by the very old or by people using drugs designed to suppress the immune system. More cases were reported and US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) formed a …read more

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Gay dating app Grindr shared user HIV & location data with third-parties

By Waqas
Grindr shared personal, HIV and geolocation-related data with two of
This is a post from HackRead.com Read the original post: Gay dating app Grindr shared user HIV & location data with third-parties
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Aetna Accepts $17M Settlement Agreement for HIV Privacy Breach

Aetna has agreed to pay $17 million as part of a settlement agreement for a breach that might have compromised thousands of HIV patients’ privacy. On 16 January, the United States District Court for the Eastern District Court of Pennsylvania rece… Continue reading Aetna Accepts $17M Settlement Agreement for HIV Privacy Breach

Graphene Biosensors are Extra Quiet

Graphene has attracted enormous interest for electrically detecting chemical and biological materials. However, because the super material doesn’t act like a normal semiconductor, transistors require multiple layers of the material, and that’s bad for 1/f noise especially when the transistors operate at maximum transconductance. Researchers have found a way to operate graphene transistors at a neutral point, significantly reducing 1/f noise while not impacting the sensor’s response.

The team created a proof-of concept sensor that could detect an HIV-related DNA hybridization. The sensor was able to detect very tiny concentrations of the material.

The ion-sensitive field-effect transistors (ISFETs) employed in …read more

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