Jeff Dunham Finds A NOS 1958 Philco Predicta

Jeff Dunham next to a Philco Predicta TV

When you see a ventriloquist like [Jeff Dunham], you probably expect to see him with a puppet. This time – spoilers ahead – you won’t. Besides his fame on stage, …read more Continue reading Jeff Dunham Finds A NOS 1958 Philco Predicta

Electrostatic Motors are Making a Comeback

An exploded view of an electrostatic motor from manufacturer C-Motive. There is a silvery cylinder on the left, two half silver and half golden disks on either side and two thinner gold disks in the center. A square mountin plate is on the right hand side next to one of the silver/gold disks.

Electrostatic motors are now common in MEMS applications, but researchers at the University of Wisconsin and spinoff C-Motive Technologies have brought macroscale electrostatic motors back. [via MSN/WSJ] While the first …read more Continue reading Electrostatic Motors are Making a Comeback