What makes storing secrets in Hashicorp Vault different to using a two-way hash in Java? [on hold]

In Java I can create a two way Hash function – if I implemented with MD5 I could write the methods toMD5Hash() and fromMD5Hash for a reversible process.

Further than that I could use TripleDes with key-based encryption in J… Continue reading What makes storing secrets in Hashicorp Vault different to using a two-way hash in Java? [on hold]

How can I add a custom domain to an SAN for a certificate for consul domains like active.vault.service.consul?

Say one has a service provided by Consul, for which active.[name-of-service].service.consul is the link it provides to the active host leader for that service. How would I properly set up TLS to that .consul domain name?

For example, sup… Continue reading How can I add a custom domain to an SAN for a certificate for consul domains like active.vault.service.consul?

Is there value to signing microservice calls with an HMAC derived from the same private key?

I had a friend say:

We’re securing our microservice with an HMAC derived from the private key in the jks file. [Where client and server shared the same private key]

I can understand the situation where you have an HMAC … Continue reading Is there value to signing microservice calls with an HMAC derived from the same private key?

Is there value to signing microservice calls with an HMAC derived from the same private key?

I had a friend say:

We’re securing our microservice with an HMAC derived from the private key in the jks file. [Where client and server shared the same private key]

I can understand the situation where you have an HMAC … Continue reading Is there value to signing microservice calls with an HMAC derived from the same private key?