Hamas-linked hackers exploit current events to spy on rival Palestinian officials, researchers say

Hackers associated with Hamas, the Islamist militant group that rules the Gaza Strip, are combining new malware with a timeless trick in an espionage campaign against Palestinian officials, private-sector researchers said Thursday. Like many attackers before them, they’re sending emails on enticing topics, ranging from the U.S. killing of Iranian general Qassem Soleimani to the Trump administration’s Middle East peace proposal. The messages come with malicious PDF files that contain a new remote access trojan (RAT), code that gives them a foothold onto a computer, according to Boston-based security company Cybereason. The hackers have in recent weeks attempted to breach carefully selected targets associated with the Palestinian government in the West Bank, the researchers said. Many of the malware samples analyzed by Cybereason appear to have targeted Fatah, the ruling party in the West Bank and a longtime rival of Hamas. It is unclear how the group was using the information it […]

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Hackers interrupt Eurovision webcast in Israel with missile attack alert

By Uzair Amir
The targeted broadcaster is blaming hackers from Hamas for the attack. The official website of Israeli Public Broadcasting Corporation (KAN) telecasting webcast of Eurovision 2019 event in Tel Aviv was briefly hacked and defaced by unknow… Continue reading Hackers interrupt Eurovision webcast in Israel with missile attack alert

Smashing Security #127: I do love the Dutch

Israel strikes back at Hamas’s hacking HQ, a new sextortion email comes with a twist, and Carole saves the world with some help from hacked Roomba vacuum cleaners.
All this and much more is discussed in the latest edition of the award-winning &#8… Continue reading Smashing Security #127: I do love the Dutch

Israel claims to bomb Hamas’s cyber Ops HQ amidst uncertainties

By Ryan De Souza
The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) has allegedly attacked a building that serves as the hub of Hamas’s cyber operations on Saturday. The IDF claims that it has bombed the building after carrying out an operation in collaboration with the … Continue reading Israel claims to bomb Hamas’s cyber Ops HQ amidst uncertainties

It was ‘inevitable’ that bombs would fall in response to a cyberattack

Israel Defense Forces announced Sunday it had launched airstrikes on a building allegedly housing a number of Hamas soldiers that were preparing to launch a cyberattack against Israel. The IDF, which launched the airstrike jointly with the Israel Security Authority, did not detail the alleged cyberattack and other offensive capabilities Hamas was developing but it said it had neutralized the attack before launching the airstrikes. The incident marks the first time a government has publicly announced it has immediately responded to a cyberattack by launching a “kinetic attack,” a military term that describes the use of lethal force. Although this marks a first in cyberwarfare, Paul Rosenzweig, a former deputy assistant secretary for policy at the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, tells CyberScoop it’s not a surprising outcome. “We mistakenly tend to think that the cyber domain exists apart from the physical world, but it doesn’t,” Rosenzweig, a senior fellow at […]

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Israel Neutralizes Cyber Attack by Blowing Up A Building With Hackers

The Israel Defense Force (IDF) claims to have neutralized an “attempted” cyber attack by launching airstrikes on a building in Gaza Strip from where it says the attack was originated.

As shown in a video tweeted by IDF, the building in the Gaza Strip,… Continue reading Israel Neutralizes Cyber Attack by Blowing Up A Building With Hackers

Exposing Yet Another Currently Active Fraudulent and Malicious Pro-Hamas Online Infastructure

Love them or hate them – the ubiquitous beautiful girl utilizing fake bogus and rogue Facebook accounts scam campaign courtesy of Hamas targeting Israeli soldiers has to come to an end.

In this post I’ll provide actionable intelligence on a currently … Continue reading Exposing Yet Another Currently Active Fraudulent and Malicious Pro-Hamas Online Infastructure