$2.5 Million Offered at Upcoming ‘Matrix Cup’ Chinese Hacking Contest 

The Chinese hacking contest Matrix Cup is offering big rewards for exploits targeting OSs, smartphones, enterprise software, browsers, and security products.
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Google Patches Chromecast Vulnerabilities Exploited at Hacking Contest

Google has patched several high and moderate-severity Chromecast vulnerabilities demonstrated earlier this year at a hacking competition. 
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0-Days Found in iPhone X, Samsung Galaxy S9, Xiaomi Mi6 Phones

At Pwn2Own 2018 mobile hacking competition held in Tokyo on November 13-14, white hat hackers once again demonstrated that even the fully patched smartphones running the latest version of software from popular smartphone manufacturers can be hacked.

T… Continue reading 0-Days Found in iPhone X, Samsung Galaxy S9, Xiaomi Mi6 Phones

Hackers Take Over US Voting Machines In Just 90 Minutes

Image Credit: @tjhorner

Today, election hacking is not just about hacking voting machines, rather it now also includes hacking and leaking dirty secrets of the targeted political parties—and there won’t be a perfect example than the last year’s US presidential election.

But, in countries like America, even hacking electronic voting machines is possible—that too, in a matter of minutes.

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The Project Zero Contest — Google will Pay you $200,000 to Hack Android OS

Why waiting for researchers and bug hunters to know vulnerabilities in your products, when you can just throw a contest for that.

Google has launched its own Android hacking contest with the first prize winner receiving $200,000 in cash.

That’s a Hef… Continue reading The Project Zero Contest — Google will Pay you $200,000 to Hack Android OS

DARPA Challenges Hackers to Create Automated Hacking System — WIN $2 Million

Why we can’t detect all security loopholes and patch them before hackers exploit them?

Because… we know that humans are too slow at finding and fixing security bugs, which is why vulnerabilities like Heartbleed, POODLE and GHOST remained undetected for decades and rendered almost half of the Internet vulnerable to theft by the time patches were rolled out.

Now to solve this hurdle, DARPA

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Pornhub Launches Bug Bounty Program; Offering Reward up to $25,000

With the growing number of cyber attacks and data breaches, a significant number of companies and organizations have started Bug Bounty Programs to encourage hackers and security researchers to find and responsibly report bugs in their services and get… Continue reading Pornhub Launches Bug Bounty Program; Offering Reward up to $25,000

Facebook Open Sources its Capture the Flag (CTF) Platform

Hacking into computer, networks and websites could easily land you in jail. But what if you could freely test and practice your hacking skills in a legally safe environment?

Facebook just open-sourced its Capture The Flag (CTF) platform to encourage s… Continue reading Facebook Open Sources its Capture the Flag (CTF) Platform

Hack the Pentagon — US Government Challenges Hackers to Break its Security

The United States Department of Defense (DoD) has the plan to boost their internal and network security by announcing what it calls “the first cyber Bug Bounty Program in the history of the federal government,” officially inviting hackers to take up th… Continue reading Hack the Pentagon — US Government Challenges Hackers to Break its Security