Fake Facebook Warning Urges Users to Decline Jayden K Smith Hacker

A fake Facebook message is urging users to not approve a friend request submitted by hacker who goes by the name Jayden K Smith. This hoax has many variants. All versions say the same thing: don’t approve Jayden K Smith as friend or they’ll hack a user’s account, target their Facebook friends, and thereby spread […]… Read More

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Leaked Hacking Team tools were used by group stealing East Asian IP

A sophisticated and “well-funded” hacking group with a penchant for stealing intellectual property and other trade secrets is wreaking havoc in East Asia by exploiting a series of old, publicly acknowledged software vulnerabilities, according to research conducted by TrendMicro. The findings are significant because it exposes an active regional threat that continues to invest in new hacking capabilities — including unique backdoor implants and an exfiltration tools — while apparently running multiple, active economic espionage operations. Dubbed “BlackTech” by security reachers, the clandestine unit is believed to be associated with three separate campaigns dating back to at least 2010. During that time frame, BlackTech relied on a similar server infrastructure to launch attacks but used various different tools and techniques against organizations, allowing them to move laterally across victim networks and ultimately attempt to exfiltrate sensitives files. “We are confident attributing these three campaigns to BlackTech given the backend infrastructure used and target overlap,” […]

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Hacker Admits to Stealing Military Data from U.S. Department of Defense

A hacker has admitted to stealing hundreds of user accounts from a U.S. military communications system operated by the U.S. Department of Defense (DoD). Sean Caffrey, 25, of Sutton Coldfield, pleaded guilty to the theft of U.S. military data at the Birmingham Crown Court on 15 June. His crimes amount to an offense under the […]… Read More

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Week 24 In Review – 2017

Events Related Security Fest – www.youtube.com This summer, Göteborg became the most secure city in Sweden! We had a day filled with great talks by internationally renowned speakers on some of the most cutting edge and interesting topics in IT-Security. ShowMeCon 2017 Videos – www.irongeek.com Resources List of Printers Which Do or Do Not Display […]

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Security News – Paul’s Security Weekly #515

Gravityscan is keeping WordPress sites safe, WiFi to see through walls, Dodged a bullet and stepped in front of another one, Twitter Flaw Allowed You To Tweet From Any Account, and Latest Cb Defense UX Features Intuitive Design, Easy Access to Answers … Continue reading Security News – Paul’s Security Weekly #515

Tech Segment: How Compromise Happens: Active Directory is Vulnerable – Paul’s Security Weekly #515

Almog Ohayon from Javelin Networks gives a demo on how compromises happen and counteract them. Full Show Notes http://traffic.libsyn.com/pauldotcom/Tech_Segment_How_Compromise_Happens_Active_Directory_is_Vulnerable_-_Pauls_Security_Weekly_515_converted… Continue reading Tech Segment: How Compromise Happens: Active Directory is Vulnerable – Paul’s Security Weekly #515

Weaponized NSA-Grade Malware Brings Down Industry Verticals, But Not Bromium’s Customers

Weaponized NSA Grade Malware catastrophically brought down enterprises worldwide May 12, 2017 Patches have been available for months. U.S. Presidential Executive Order issued May 11, 2017 asserted that the greatest threat to U.S. Cyber integrity are “Known attacks” WannaCry could have been prevented by applying the right cyber security architecture WannaCry wreaks havoc: this isn’t […]

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Russian hackers targeted Obama’s aides as early as 2007, and attempts continue, report says

Russia’s preeminent cyber-espionage group, known as APT28 or Fancy Bear, heavily targeted Barack Obama’s staff during the 2008 campaign, according to newly published research by U.S.-based cybersecurity firm Area 1 Security. The former president’s closest allies — including campaign staff, top aides and other senior U.S. officials — began receiving a barrage of phishing emails from Russian spies as far back as 2007, when he was still a U.S. senator. Some Obama associates continue to be targeted, Area 1 said. Ex-officials are still being sent phishing emails even though they left government years ago, a trend that shows the attackers’ persistence in trying to compromise assets. A blog post published Friday afternoon by Area 1 shows that associated phishing emails commonly employed subject lines like “just FYI,” “RFI,” “eFax,” or “Elections.” Several corresponding attachments were titled as “harvard-iop-fall-2016-poll[.]doc” and “37486-the-shocking-truth-about-election-rigging-in-america[.]rtf[.]lnk.” The evidence uncovered by Area 1, a firm founded by National Security Agency veterans, offers […]

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